Curriculum Valter Amerio

Partner of 4changing, is concerned with business consulting, in particular regarding business development. He developed a wide experience, in Italy and in the international context, in the sales area of international companies, especially in change management projects for large business companies.

He graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Genoa University, Italy. He was awarded in business administration and strategy analysis from INSEAD University, Fontainebleau (Paris).
He has worked in IBM and Microsoft with the responsibility of the relationship for the major industrial groups. In this role he has developed relationship and partnership at business executive levels with customers and partners, finalized business plans, engaged and led some of the most significant projects in complex environments. In different roles and managerial positions he engaged and deployed successful projects including consulting, system integration and outsourcing services establishing a strong presence in terms of relationship and sustainable business growth.

In 2010, as managing director, he led a public private project in Costa Rica for a smart village, with planned investments for US$ 300 million in collaboration with Italian and international investors and the local Government. He currently collaborates with Italian and international companies and entrepreneurs to develop their business in domestic and international markets and in the start-up of innovative companies for high tech and transportation industry and local community development.